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Hello! Is there a chance to implement a Native Version of stable diffusion with an API Key so you dont have to buy credits? ;)

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AI RenderCreator

Yeah, for sure - I actually made that happen way back in October! 😄

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Awesome! That was the only thing holding me back generating thousands of Pictures :D I will try to install this! ...Even if im not an expert with that terminal Stuff (':

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I managed to install everything and got it to the last checkpoint, but sadly when i render an image out of Blender its not starting the Ai Render Process in the Terminal so it only outputs the "Before" image in the Export folder... Do you have an Idea where i made a mistake or what i should try to fix this issue?

AI Render Update: Upscaling, ControlNet and more!

AI Render update - Stable Diffusion 2.0, negative prompts, support for Stable Horde, and larger image sizes!

New Feature: Animations!

Local installation hotfix

Local Installation now supported!

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